Anarchy Nutrients RUSH

Size: 50ml
Sale price$50.00



RUSH 3-0-0

Anarchy Rush Foliar Spray

100% Organic 

Contain 90 % Organic Bio Stimulates 

Anarchy Rush is a natural seaweed extract that is fermented and formulated to include a complex blend of plant extracts, essential minerals and natural plant growth regulators. 

The natural growth hormones in Rush aid the plant throughout flowering, fruit set and fruit fill reducing stress and therefore improving productivity.

When applied at the correct stages of plant growth development, Rush will enhance and extend many of the physiological and biological processes of the plant which are necessary for optimum yield and quality.

Used to relieve stresses due to drought or excess moisture. The Auxins and cytokin is a natural plant hormones extracted from seaweed. The seaweed concentrate aids photosynthesis, improving plant production of essential carbohydrates.

Research has shown that Auxins and cytokinins are important in many processes of the growth and development of the plant,  such as cell division, chlorophyll tissue, fruit set, nutrient translocation, and plant metabolism. 

Increases starch (sugar), oil and vitamin C content in fruits, tubers and nuts

Increases fruit and bud size and enhances favourable colour and flavour characteristics.

Stimulates root development and branching

Improves stress tolerance (particularly cold stress)

Helps to decrease the incidence of pests and diseases

Increases the rate of production, transport and storage of sugars within the plant. 

Activates the enzymes involved in the build-up of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the major carrier of energy in plant metabolism 

Directions Hydro / Coco / Soil

Use 5 ml per litre of water. Spray plants till run off 

Spray plants 2 weeks after plants have grown roots.

Spray the 1 week before you turn to flower . 

Spray the day you turn from grow to Flower 

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