Bio Diesel Complete Starter Kit OG

Sale price$255.00


Introducing a Game Changer for Modern Growers

As more people take control of their food and medicine production, there is a growing awareness of the harmful effects of PGRs and other chemicals used in horticulture to increase plant yields. Bio Diesel offers an organic alternative to synthetic fertigation, utilizing biological processes that work in harmony with the natural microbiome and plant symbiosis to maximize nutrient uptake through beneficial biology.

Bio Diesel's program easily matches and even exceeds the yields of popular "salt-heavy" fertilizer programs, delivering exceptional organic flavor and aroma that can only be achieved through organic methods.

The complete starter pack is designed to guide you from start to finish. It contains all seven Sensi Pro™ products, providing everything your plants need for high-yield hydroponics with outstanding organic profiles, color expressions, and enhanced oil production.

Bio Diesel's biology-driven program delivers cleaner, organic quality results for indoor Coco or Hydroponic growers and can be easily optimized for living soils and outdoor cultivation.

Starter Pack Contents:

  • 250ml Supernatural Organic Root Stimulant
  • 250ml Marine CaMg+ Growth Booster
  • 250ml Rhino K Organic Potassium Booster
  • 2L Green Diamond Base Mineral A+B (1L of each bottle)
  • 1L Aloevate Organic Vitamins, Trace Elements, Enzyme Health Tonic
  • 1L Bio Diesel Organic Bloom Booster
  • 1L Crystal Clear Flushing and Finishing Solution
  • Plus: Growers Guide, Artoftrog Slap Pack, and Limited Edition Merchandise!

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